“Reclaiming Our Border: Convoy Sets Out as Truckers Depart Virginia”

The “Reclaim Our Border” convoy is officially in motion, gathering momentum as truckers and drivers convened in Virginia on Monday. The group is now en route to the southern border, scheduling rallies at significant entry points in San Ysidro, California, Eagle Pass, Texas, and Yuma, Arizona.

Event organizer Craig Hudgins emphasized the peaceful nature of the demonstration, stating, “This is about being a peaceful demonstration, following the teachings of our lord Jesus Christ, a man of peace. We’ll stand there and intercede in prayer, not wanting our national guard to bear the brunt of what’s happening.”

Starting in Norfolk, Virginia, the convoy will traverse the Southeastern United States, converging with other protesters in Texas this weekend. Hudgins estimated, “I’m hearing 40,000 truckers coming from all over the country and Canada.”

Previous estimates from Fox News suggested the participation of up to 700,000 vehicles, including truckers from Canada. Organizers call on a diverse range of individuals, from law enforcement and military personnel to veterans, business owners, and freedom-loving Americans, to join the “peaceful assembly and prayer.”

The convoy’s objectives encompass raising awareness about the border crisis, conveying a message to local, state, and federal governments, and demanding action on deportations and border closures. Throughout the week, meet-ups are anticipated, with various groups commencing their journeys, including one in Jacksonville, Florida.

U.S. Rep. Keith Self (R-TX) voiced the sentiment of the movement, stating, “The American people have had enough. We’re demanding that the Biden administration enforce the laws and secure our border. This should be a peaceful movement of the American people, potentially joined by other nations.”

The convoy is set to peak in activity over the weekend, echoing the collective call for action and change.


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