In an unexpected turn of events, Lia Thomas, renowned for her groundbreaking
achievements in collegiate swimming, will be making a splash as the first guest on Dave Chappelle’s Late-Night Show. While some might raise eyebrows at the pairing, Chappelle assures fans that this episode will be nothing short of a stroke of genius.
With Thomas diving headfirst into controversy over transgender athletes in sports, Chappelle is eager to dive into the deep end of conversation. From swimming laps around societal norms to navigating the choppy waters of public opinion, this episode promises to be one for the record books.
But fear not, viewers! Chappelle’s trademark wit will ensure that the waters stay warm and welcoming, even if the subject matter makes some feel like they’re in over their heads. So grab your floaties and tune in for what’s sure to be a hilarious and thought-provoking evening!
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