In a shocking turn of events, Roseanne Barr, the renowned maestro of comedic timing, has declared war against woke warriors infiltrating her beloved show. Armed with wit sharper than a sitcom punchline, she proclaimed, “No room for woke folks – get Roberto De Niro out of here!”
This unprecedented clash of comedic titans has left fans chuckling nervously, wondering if laughter might now be deemed a subversive act. Picture the scene: Roseanne, donned in a glittering crown of canned laughter, decreeing from a throne of prop pies, “My kingdom for a punchline, not a politically correct pratfall!”
As the battle for the laugh track rages on, Roseanne has reportedly formed a coalition of iconic sitcom characters from the past, including the Fonz, Kramer, and even ALF. Together, they’re scheming to turn the tide against the woke wave with a barrage of nostalgic catchphrases and slapstick antics.
Meanwhile, Roberto De Niro, bewildered by his sudden expulsion from the sitcom kingdom, has been spotted rehearsing his own laugh track in a secret underground comedy bunker. Sources say he’s working on a comeback routine involving method acting as a stand-up comedian who just discovered avocado toast.
In a twist worthy of a sitcom plot, the show’s producers are caught in the middle, desperately trying to balance the scales of humor and political correctness. Rumor has it they’ve resorted to hiring a team of comedic anthropologists to decode the ancient scrolls of slapstick and ensure the jokes land without triggering anyone.
As the laugh-o-meter fluctuates, the fate of comedy itself hangs in the balance. Will Roseanne’s resistance prevail, or will woke warriors rewrite the punchlines of our sitcom history? One thing’s for sure – the sitcom saga continues, with more twists, turns, and pratfalls than a banana peel convention. Grab your popcorn and brace yourself for the punchline revolution!
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