Candaсе Owеns Agrееs tо DaiIу Sеgmеnts оn Rоsеannе Barr’s Nеw Shоw

Candace Owens has been making waves lately as she continues to feud with Daily Wire owner Ben Shapiro. That hasn’t stopped her from running her show, however, which is the most popular thing on the tiny network.It’s about to get a whole lot more popular, too. Candace has announced that she’s agreed to do a daily video call-in segment with Roseanne Barr that will create a crossover event between the two shows. Fans of both will be able to tune in and see their favorite host chat with their favorite guest commentator.

“It’s a revolutionary concept,” said showrunner Joe Barron, “Nobody has really done anything like it. For about four minutes, each day, the two will pick a subject and just…chat. We’re pretty excited about the whole thing.”


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